The features of canvas photo is:
1.It is not limited with photo album, the traditional way is that the photo album is in front of the photo, but the canvas photo puts the photo album at the behind of the photo, so you can't see the photo album from the front, with simple mounts, it is a new style of ornament
2.It can put several photos into a set of photo, and it can make one photo into seperate canvas photos, but the photo with album is not good, the photo without album is free style, and available for built-in other photos.
3.The retrench of photo album has saved the cost and it will be cheaper more than 20%~40% on basis of photo with album.
4.The customer can select the different type for the photo and match with its circumstance and style to make it. If you would like to do yourself canvas photos, you can go to LOVE OF PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM to DIY yourself design.